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An Active Workplace Improves Employee Health

There seems to be a lot of coverage in the news lately about the dangers of remaining sedentary at the office. Current research indicates that sitting for prolonged stretches can undo the benefits of physical activity even for the regularly active. Sitting for too long has been shown to cause bad posture, head and neck […]
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Touchdown Spaces Help Mobile Employees Maximize Office Time

According to a recent New York Times article, there are over 3 million Americans now working remotely. How can employers best support these mobile employees in finding the balance between maximum productivity and flexibility? Companies who hire telecommuters and mobile employees should entice workers to come into the office for face-to-face time and to create […]
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Don’t retire the private office just yet

Thanks to the open-plan workspace, pioneered by global powerhouses like Google, Zappos and Facebook, many companies may be rethinking the practicality of the private office—thus shaking to the core traditional notions of professional prestige, authority and the American Dream of “making it” to the corner office or executive suite. The open workspace is being widely […]
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Is It Time to Shake Up Your Floor Plan?

Is It Time to Shake Up Your Floor Plan? Staff in a slump? Has your company shifted focus or embarked on a significant market push? It may be time to rotate employees around your floor plan. In a workplace, it’s easy for people to fall into patterns—whether that’s taking the same route to their desk […]
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How to prepare for your office lease expiration

How to prepare for your office lease expirationIt’s important to plan ahead. The end of the year doesn’t just signal the holidays. It’s also the time of year when many California businesses are faced with an office lease expiration and must decide whether to renew their office lease or relocate. If you choose to relocate […]
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Facilities Management Trends

What facilities managers need to know Workplace modernization and technology advances change the facilities management landscape every day. Adept Facilities Managers have to constantly rethink how they balance both their responsibilities, the workspaces they manage, and evolving facilities management trends. As California’s leading commercial mover and workplace change expert, we stay on the pulse of […]
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Embracing Workplace Change [Infographic]

Workplace change is inevitable. But it can be easy to manage. It’s probably too obvious to say that the way we work has changed—not just from the last century, but the last decade as well. And it’s not just due to standup desks, open plan workspaces, and themed conference rooms. On average, we work more […]
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The Workplace Redefined

It isn’t just office space, it is a part of the employee experience A great employee experience can be intentionally designed—just like the experience you design for your customers. This trend, called Employee Experience Design (EED), is a new way to think about the office. In the competitive environment of employee retention, companies must make […]
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Turn Your Office into an Employee Experience Center

With these updates, your employees will be eager to come to work. As we reported in last month’s article, the workplace is part of the employee experience, it isn’t just commercial space. When you are ready to embrace Employee Experience Design, where do you begin to implement it? 1. Start with your Employees Involving your […]
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Eco Friendly Furniture Could Mean Tax Breaks

With Spring Cleaning in full swing and #EarthDay on the way, now is the perfect time to think about getting some new eco friendly furniture that can earn you points toward LEED certification. You can go green and save your company money. Remind Me What LEED Is LEED is the acronym (Leadership in Energy and […]
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How to Measure Workplace Setup Performance

One key metric will help measure your success. When we imagine the ideal office space, it’s probably mirrored after high-tech companies in Silicon Valley. “Silicon Valley” the HBO show, that is. Corovan moving boxes were just spotted in a recent episode of the show when both Pied Piper and Hooli relocate to modern spaces without […]
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10 Tips for Workplace Change Management

Use these proven tips to facilitate your workplace change management. Being responsible for workplace change management can be a challenging and frustrating. Workplace changes affect employees on all levels and if not managed properly can lead to business downtime, employee dissatisfaction, and a decrease in worker productivity. Change management practices will help ease this stress […]
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Redesigning Cubicles for Today’s Knowledge Worker

It’s Time for an Office Redesign. Many companies are moving toward a more flexible layout of their office space. A modular office layout gives you a more options for cubicle designs than ever before. Some estimates put the American “cube dweller” population at 40 million. Is redesigning cubicles to a more open office layout in […]
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Has your business move been under bid?

Has your business move been under bid?Selecting a moving company based solely on the lowest price can have many undesired repercussions. Before you put your business move at risk, please consider the following: Q: What do I have to be concerned about with my business move? A: Since the hourly rates of most business movers […]
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Repurpose Your Used Office Furniture

Looking to repurpose your office furniture We are all familiar with the three of the four Rs of waste management, “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”. It has become a common waste reduction practice for California businesses since the campaign ignited in the early 90’s. But what about the fourth R? There are many ideas out there […]
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Moving Your Business – Why and When

Tips on Why and When to Move Your Business. Moving your business from one location to another is a major undertaking – but sometimes it’s an absolute necessity. Whether you’re ready to relocate for growth purposes, or need to save on expenses, here’s why and when to move your business. Why Should You Relocate Your Business? Rocking […]
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How Green is Your Company? (Questionnaire)

Are you a “green” company? Green businesses adopt policies and practices that help the environment as well as their bottom line. By adopting more environmentally-friendly practices, your company can save money and reduce your environmental impact and even improve your reputation with your industry. You may not be on Newsweek’s World’s Greenest Companies List, but […]
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Your Desk job is Killing You: 3 Ways to be Healthy at Your Desk

Cubicle workers face special challenges when it comes to staying healthy and active. As the modern workforce has shifted from physical labor to desk jobs, the type of activity that most people do on a day to day basis is limited to walking to and from their car. Research has shown that the rise in […]
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7 Small Changes to Boost Employee Productivity

It’s one fact that everyone can agree on: We’re all working harder than ever. But are we more productive? Here are seven ideas that are guaranteed to maximize productivity in your workplace. 1. Best-Practice Ergonomics Investing in good ergonomics can save you a bundle in absenteeism and healthcare costs. Start out by checking your employees’ […]
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Four Upgrades to Modernize Your Office

Good business means staying on top of industry trends and best practices. Implementing systems for modern standards of efficiency, productivity, and employee well-being can give any company an edge over less innovative competition. Does your organization want to be at the forefront of increasing productivity and employee well-being? Here are 4 methods trending among forward-thinking […]
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Company Holiday Party Ideas on a Budget

Your office is the perfect place to celebrate! Planning great company holiday party ideas on a budget is challenging. Having the celebration in the office is a great way to save money. Here are five steps that can help make your party in the office memorable and fun! 1. Add Background Music Coworkers in a […]
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Five Paths to Finding Focus at Work

In today’s fast-paced business world, it can be challenging to keep your creative juices flowing and productivity up to speed. Here are five things you can do to maximize your work potential. 1. There’s an app for that, too Let’s face it: data entry is not the most exciting part of your workday. During this […]
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Treat Yourself to Daily Comfort

Comfort starts with your workstation. Here are five ways to make your workstation more ergonomic. Recent figures suggest the average office employee spends seventy-five percent of the day in their dedicated workspace. That’s a lot of time! You deserve to be comfortable in your workspace. Ergonomic comfort prevents repetitive use injuries, and allows you to […]
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Office Moving Checklist for Your Next Business Move

Your Office Moving Checklist Preparing to move an office or business can be a lot more complicated than moving a household. Preparing is key and ensuring that everything on your list is complete, is essential. Use this quick office moving checklist as a guide to keeping your move on track. Here are some things to […]
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Reasons to Use Tech Relocation Services

Alleviate the stress of being caught in IT’s backlog with disconnect-reconnect services Most businesses have created a backlog to manage all of the daily requests that come into the IT department. That list is often triaged to tackle the most critical issues first, sometimes leaving employees with smaller problems waiting weeks or even months for […]
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We don’t just handle the boxes, crates and furniture. We disconnect, move, and reconnect the computers too.

We don’t just handle the boxes, crates and furniture. We disconnect, move, and reconnect the computers too. Imagine it’s Monday morning. It’s the first day at your new location, and there’s a problem: no one can access their email. It’s like you are not even open for business. Corovan’s commercial moving tech services team will […]
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Five valuable lessons for moving your computer equipment

Where would your company be without its data and IT infrastructure? Would it even exist? Clearly, this is the most critical and complex part of any office relocation, and not something we take lightly. As the largest mover in the Silicon Valley, we appreciate the importance of computer equipment and data, and have the following […]
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10 Ergonomics Tips to Prevent Office Injuries

Over time, poor posture may be caused by habits from everyday activities such as sitting in office chairs, looking at the computer, driving, standing for long periods of time, or even sleeping. Poor posture can easily become second nature, causing or aggravating episodes of back pain and damaging spinal structures. Fortunately, the main factors affecting […]
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Revive Productivity With Space Planning

Use these five tips to organize your office layout In today’s competitive business environment many business people feel a good office layout is a vital factor to overall productivity, employee satisfaction and making the right impression on visitors. As always, up front planning creates a smooth relocation process where things are done right the first time. […]
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What Makes a Great Move

Planning becomes easier if you know what makes a great move. Great moves don’t just happen. They are carefully orchestrated so everyone understands their roles and the overall process. Successful moves actually start with the end results in mind. What needs to be moved first? What are the priorities and timing? How will things be […]
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