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The Benefits of Bringing Nature into the Office: Boosting Employee Wellbeing

Creating a work environment that prioritizes employee wellbeing is crucial for maintaining a productive and healthy team. One effective strategy is incorporating natural elements into the office. While employees might not spend their days in the great outdoors, bringing elements of nature inside can provide numerous health benefits and enhance overall workplace satisfaction. Why Bring […]
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Could’ve Been an Email: 4 Times a Meeting is Unnecessary

Collaboration and communication are both hallmarks of successful teams. Just because your team is communicative, however, that doesn’t mean you have to turn every discussion into a formal meeting. In fact, a burdensome meeting culture can drain your team’s productivity while simultaneously sapping morale. Here at Corovan, we love having video conferences with our teams, […]
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Future-Proofing Your Office: Preparing for the Impact of AI on Workspace Design and Functionality

By this point it probably goes without saying that AI is a big deal; already it has ushered in a sea change in virtually every industry, and its impact will continue to reverberate for generations to come. AI will undoubtedly change the way we work in ways both small and large, and as these changes […]
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Elevating Employee Benefits to Attract and Retain Top Talent

In recent years, one of the most consequential HR trends was the so-called “Great Resignation,” in which employees exited the workplace in droves. Experts offered a range of potential explanations for this phenomenon, but what they all boiled down to was this: After the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees started thinking long and hard about their […]
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Revitalizing the Workplace with Fun and Engaging Activities

Over time, it’s natural for any workplace to become a bit stagnant. As employees settle into daily routines, they may lose some of the enthusiasm that characterized their early days on the job. As a result, you may notice your team’s collective morale, creativity, and vigor taking a slide. To rejuvenate your team, there are […]
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Ditching Bagels and Coffee: Elevating Office Food Offerings for Employee Satisfaction

In today’s fast-paced work environment, employers are increasingly recognizing the importance of providing more than just the basics to their employees. Research suggests that employee satisfaction and productivity are closely linked to workplace culture, and one of the most impactful aspects of that culture is office food availability. If you’ve ever worked in a traditional […]
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5 Tips for Minimizing Disruption and Maximizing Efficiency During Your Move

Relocating your office can be disruptive, especially in relation to the other ongoing needs of your business. Thankfully, with the right strategy and the best vendors, you can not only ensure a successful move, but minimize the friction your team experiences. Here are five specific steps to keep in mind. It All Starts with Planning […]
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An Alternative for Noisy Office Spaces: Integrating Modular Soundproofing for Aesthetic Noise Reduction

Office spaces are notoriously noisy, thanks to all the activity that goes on within a given work day. There’s the chatter of employees, the hum of printers and copiers, phones ringing, doors slamming… the list goes on and on. All this commotion suggests a robust and active team, but it may also be a headache […]
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Inclusive Office Design: Creating Accessible Spaces

Over the past several years, more and more companies have gotten serious about inclusivity, deliberately seeking office environments that welcome a broad and diverse employee base. Many companies actively prioritize ethnic and racial diversity, gender equality, accommodations for working parents, and more. And yet, it’s also important for this focus on workplace inclusivity to encompass […]
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Revisiting Return To Office: Did Hoteling Work?

Needless to say, the COVID pandemic threw us all for a loop. Employers, in particular, had to rapidly adapt to changing workplace realities, navigating a world in which team members couldn’t readily gather in shared spaces. While many companies pushed a strong “return to work” effort last year, in many ways we’re still dealing with […]
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The Psychology of Color in Office Design: Boosting Mood and Creativity

All of us are affected by the environment around us. Factors such as the temperature or ambient noise level can have an outsized impact on our mood, our stress level, and our productivity. That’s what makes it so important to be intentional in all aspects of office design; every detail of your workspace that can […]
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The Psychology of Office Moves: Minimizing Employee Stress and Disruption

Moving your home can be an emotionally unsettling experience for anyone, as it means saying goodbye to some of the day-to-day realities and routines that provide a sense of stability. The same could be said of moving a workspace, particularly since most employees spend as much time at the office as they do at home. […]
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7 Tips for Designing an Office Space for Employee Health and Comfort

When you think of ergonomics, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Often, the term is associated with comfortable furniture, or workspace layouts that optimize posture. Those are certainly key concerns with ergonomics, but more broadly, the term encompasses any strategic initiative to design office environments with people in mind. The ergonomic workplace is […]
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We moved to employee ownership

We’re very excited for this next chapter and are looking forward to the positive changes this historic shift will bring to our people, partners, and customers. While many companies are wrestling with retention and engagement, we decided to take our employee-focused culture to the next level and become employee-owned. Corovan prides itself on our long […]
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4 Ways Employers Reduce Workplace Stress

Office workers are more stressed than ever, but thoughtful workplace design can change that! Use these tips to make your space welcoming, comfortable, and supportive of employee wellness. It’s tempting to write off workplace stress as a contrived, overblown complaint. After all, work is work! It’s not meant to be as fun and relaxing as […]
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5 Ways to Reduce Workplace Loneliness

When workers are feeling lonely, their productivity and engagement can sink to record lows. Here are five things that office and facilities managers can do to create better workspaces for isolated workers.
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