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The Benefits of Bringing Nature into the Office: Boosting Employee Wellbeing

Creating a work environment that prioritizes employee wellbeing is crucial for maintaining a productive and healthy team. One effective strategy is incorporating natural elements into the office. While employees might not spend their days in the great outdoors, bringing elements of nature inside can provide numerous health benefits and enhance overall workplace satisfaction. Why Bring […]
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Could’ve Been an Email: 4 Times a Meeting is Unnecessary

Collaboration and communication are both hallmarks of successful teams. Just because your team is communicative, however, that doesn’t mean you have to turn every discussion into a formal meeting. In fact, a burdensome meeting culture can drain your team’s productivity while simultaneously sapping morale. Here at Corovan, we love having video conferences with our teams, […]
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Elevating Employee Benefits to Attract and Retain Top Talent

In recent years, one of the most consequential HR trends was the so-called “Great Resignation,” in which employees exited the workplace in droves. Experts offered a range of potential explanations for this phenomenon, but what they all boiled down to was this: After the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees started thinking long and hard about their […]
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Revitalizing the Workplace with Fun and Engaging Activities

Over time, it’s natural for any workplace to become a bit stagnant. As employees settle into daily routines, they may lose some of the enthusiasm that characterized their early days on the job. As a result, you may notice your team’s collective morale, creativity, and vigor taking a slide. To rejuvenate your team, there are […]
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An Alternative for Noisy Office Spaces: Integrating Modular Soundproofing for Aesthetic Noise Reduction

Office spaces are notoriously noisy, thanks to all the activity that goes on within a given work day. There’s the chatter of employees, the hum of printers and copiers, phones ringing, doors slamming… the list goes on and on. All this commotion suggests a robust and active team, but it may also be a headache […]
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Smart Offices, Smarter Work: Integrating Technology for Productivity Gains

If we’re honest, we’ve all had mixed experiences with workplace technology. Sometimes, when it’s poorly deployed or doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to, technology can be a barrier to productivity. But when technology is integrated into your office in a smart, strategic way, it can help your entire team function at a higher level. […]
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Maximizing Small Spaces: Strategies for Efficient Office Layouts

Every workplace has some hard limitations when it comes to overall square footage. For some workplaces, those limitations can feel especially burdensome. If you have a large team and a lot of equipment, but a modest amount of physical space, your team may quickly start feeling cramped and cluttered. And when employees feel that way, […]
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New Year, New Mindset: Enhancing Productivity in Your Workplace

The start of a new year is a perfect time to take stock of your personal goals and priorities, encompassing everything from financial health to personal fitness. It’s also an ideal occasion to take stock of your team’s goals, and to implement new strategies to facilitate productivity in the workplace. Whether you’re leading a team […]
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Inclusive Office Design: Creating Accessible Spaces

Over the past several years, more and more companies have gotten serious about inclusivity, deliberately seeking office environments that welcome a broad and diverse employee base. Many companies actively prioritize ethnic and racial diversity, gender equality, accommodations for working parents, and more. And yet, it’s also important for this focus on workplace inclusivity to encompass […]
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Revisiting Return To Office: Did Hoteling Work?

Needless to say, the COVID pandemic threw us all for a loop. Employers, in particular, had to rapidly adapt to changing workplace realities, navigating a world in which team members couldn’t readily gather in shared spaces. While many companies pushed a strong “return to work” effort last year, in many ways we’re still dealing with […]
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The Psychology of Color in Office Design: Boosting Mood and Creativity

All of us are affected by the environment around us. Factors such as the temperature or ambient noise level can have an outsized impact on our mood, our stress level, and our productivity. That’s what makes it so important to be intentional in all aspects of office design; every detail of your workspace that can […]
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Key Considerations for Fortune 500 Companies Undertaking Large-Scale Office Relocations

Relocating a corporate headquarters is always a massive undertaking, requiring careful management of cost, communications, and logistics. The complexity of an office relocation scales in accordance with the size of the company, meaning that Fortune 500 companies face acute difficulties. To properly plan for and manage these complexities, it’s first important to have a clear […]
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7 Tips for Designing an Office Space for Employee Health and Comfort

When you think of ergonomics, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Often, the term is associated with comfortable furniture, or workspace layouts that optimize posture. Those are certainly key concerns with ergonomics, but more broadly, the term encompasses any strategic initiative to design office environments with people in mind. The ergonomic workplace is […]
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Is Hoteling Right for Your Hybrid Work Model?

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers everywhere are weighing the merits of the traditional work environment against the benefits of working from home. There are many competing philosophies in play, and no one-size-fits-all approach. With that said, many businesses are coming around to a hybrid model, allowing employees to strike a balance between […]
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3 Ways to Boost Productivity in Your Workplace in 2023

Happy and productive employees are the foundation of any successful business. Facility managers play an essential role in creating and maintaining positive workspaces — the kinds of workspaces where employees thrive. In other words, facility managers have the opportunity to turn the physical workspace into a competitive advantage for your business, even helping you achieve […]
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17 Inspirational Workplace Quotes

These workplace quotes will spark discussion, lift the mood, and remind employees of what they should focus on. Whether you’re moving your business to a new location or thinking about a workplace reconfiguration, the question inevitably comes up: “How do we decorate the walls?” Well, science shows that inspirational quotes can genuinely help motivate workers. […]
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The Way to Your Employees’ Hearts Is Through Your Office Design

Your office design is a love note to your employees and a genuine reflection of your company culture and employee satisfaction. While you shop for chocolate covered strawberries, colorful flower bouquets, and other goodies for that special someone in your life, take a moment to think about what might make your employees feel enamored and […]
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2018 Workplace Tips Roundup

A new year is upon us. What better time to look for ways to improve your workplace? Make room for 2019 with these proven workplace tips. This list of 10 workplace tips we discovered in 2018 will inspire you to create the best office environment possible in 2019—whether that’s encouraging employees breaks to cut down […]
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How to Encourage Your Employees to Take Breaks

It’s proven that enforcing regular employee breaks such as walks, coffee runs, lunch, and vacations will bring huge productivity rewards to your business. When it comes to maximizing your team’s productivity and creativity, very few methods are as effective as implementing a healthy schedule of breaks throughout the day for your employees.
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How to Reduce Noise in the Workplace

Over the past twenty years or so, we’ve seen a clear and consistent shift towards open plan offices. While they certainly have their benefits, fostering employee communication and saving costs on space, one of the most consistent complaints about open offices is the noise. Now, there’s a meaningful difference between “sound” and “noise”. “Sound” isn’t […]
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Conference Rooms, Productivity & Culture

Impress Your Guests with Better Conference Room Furniture and Design You never get a second chance to make a first impression. When you meet with clients on your turf, the design, conference room furniture type and even the name of your conference rooms can make a positive impression for you. Your conference room is the […]
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Helping Employees Respond Positively to Workplace Changes

“[It] is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” – Leon C. Megginson Megginson’s quotation, often misattributed to Darwin, has become […]
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2017 Workplace Tips Roundup

Supercharge 2018 with Our Top 10 Workplace Tips This list of our top 10 workplace tips is a collection of the most inspiring, surprising and powerful ideas we found in 2017. From green plants and bean bag chairs to headphones and standing desks, we covered a lot of ground this year, and this is the […]
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6 Epic Office Holiday Party Ideas

Guaranteed to turn your workplace into an office holiday party place. But how do you transform a boring, familiar workspace into a festive party space? How do you create a different atmosphere that makes it feel like a special occasion, and not just a dressed-up meeting with better food? The answer: Make it Epic!
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Creating Workspaces for Generation Z

Quick, flexible workspaces for Generation Z hires Your newest hires might be eager to climb the company ladder, but they’re not after your corner office. The young people who are joining the workforce today are radically different from the Boomers they’re replacing. They want flexible workspaces and adaptable schedules. They want freedom. It’s not that […]
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Productive Office Layout Essentials [Checklist]

A common workplace layout is not an uncommon business facilities strategy. There continues to be a steady incline of organizations embracing its rewards as well as its challenges — including how it may affect productivity. As you continue to tweak your strategy, look to this checklist to help you achieve a productive office layout. Find […]
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Open Office Survival Guide

If you’re facing common challenges with the open office like everyone else, try this open office survival guide. These days, open office plans are a common workplace feature. You’re likely more than a little familiar with an open office layout, because you’ve created one in your own workplace, or are planning to do so. At […]
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Create Space for In-person Meetings

Be more profitable with face-to-face interactions between your brand and customers. Let’s face it: Screens are great, and thanks to technology, most of us can keep in touch with co-workers and clients with online tools anytime day or night. But sometimes, a personal interaction can be even more meaningful—with clients, prospects, and employees. If you’ve […]
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Your Summer Workplace Change Guide

Get 5 expert tips to keep employees engaged over the warmer months. We can’t quite believe it, but summer is here. Studies show it’s the season when worker productivity takes a nosedive. When more people are out of the office on vacation, and those left behind wish they were taking time off. It’s a perfect […]
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5 Office Hacks Inspired by Home Offices

If you’ve ever used a Post-it note to sweep away crumbs from your laptop keyboard then you’re well aware of life hacks. For those uninitiated, life hacks are simple tips or tricks that make your everyday life easier and better. With that in mind, we’ve found five office hacks, for your desk and workplace, inspired […]
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