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Adapting Office Design for AI Integration: Optimizing Space for Data Centers and AI Infrastructure

Over the past couple of years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been the biggest story in tech. Machine learning and generative AI have transformed virtually every industry, from academia to manufacturing, and it’s clear that these transformations aren’t just a flash in the pan. AI is here to stay; the question for businesses is just how […]
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An Alternative for Noisy Office Spaces: Integrating Modular Soundproofing for Aesthetic Noise Reduction

Office spaces are notoriously noisy, thanks to all the activity that goes on within a given work day. There’s the chatter of employees, the hum of printers and copiers, phones ringing, doors slamming… the list goes on and on. All this commotion suggests a robust and active team, but it may also be a headache […]
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Smart Offices, Smarter Work: Integrating Technology for Productivity Gains

If we’re honest, we’ve all had mixed experiences with workplace technology. Sometimes, when it’s poorly deployed or doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to, technology can be a barrier to productivity. But when technology is integrated into your office in a smart, strategic way, it can help your entire team function at a higher level. […]
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Maximizing Small Spaces: Strategies for Efficient Office Layouts

Every workplace has some hard limitations when it comes to overall square footage. For some workplaces, those limitations can feel especially burdensome. If you have a large team and a lot of equipment, but a modest amount of physical space, your team may quickly start feeling cramped and cluttered. And when employees feel that way, […]
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Inclusive Office Design: Creating Accessible Spaces

Over the past several years, more and more companies have gotten serious about inclusivity, deliberately seeking office environments that welcome a broad and diverse employee base. Many companies actively prioritize ethnic and racial diversity, gender equality, accommodations for working parents, and more. And yet, it’s also important for this focus on workplace inclusivity to encompass […]
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The Psychology of Color in Office Design: Boosting Mood and Creativity

All of us are affected by the environment around us. Factors such as the temperature or ambient noise level can have an outsized impact on our mood, our stress level, and our productivity. That’s what makes it so important to be intentional in all aspects of office design; every detail of your workspace that can […]
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Say Hello to the Modern Reception Area

Your office reception area is not only the first impression for your business, but it is also the first experience that most people have with your business. Your guest walks in and they’re instantly greeted by the friendly face of your receptionist. They marvel at the beautiful and fresh interpretation of your company’s brand as […]
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Create a Coffee Shop Atmosphere for Your Office

Last month, after reading 5 Reasons Why Starbucks is the Only Office You Need, we were inspired to take a closer look at the traditional office with Part I of our discussion, Is Starbucks the New Office? This month, we’ve created an action-plan for how you can give your workplace that coffee shop atmosphere: a […]
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The Modern Employee Break Room

Your employee break room is for more than just coffee—learn how to turn it into a perk, too. The employee break room is not just for eating lunch and sneaking the last dregs from the coffee maker. The break room is a key driver in improving corporate culture, morale, and productivity. These days, it’s where […]
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Touchdown Spaces Help Mobile Employees Maximize Office Time

According to a recent New York Times article, there are over 3 million Americans now working remotely. How can employers best support these mobile employees in finding the balance between maximum productivity and flexibility? Companies who hire telecommuters and mobile employees should entice workers to come into the office for face-to-face time and to create […]
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