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Adapting Office Design for AI Integration: Optimizing Space for Data Centers and AI Infrastructure

Over the past couple of years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been the biggest story in tech. Machine learning and generative AI have transformed virtually every industry, from academia to manufacturing, and it’s clear that these transformations aren’t just a flash in the pan. AI is here to stay; the question for businesses is just how […]
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5 Tips for Minimizing Disruption and Maximizing Efficiency During Your Move

Relocating your office can be disruptive, especially in relation to the other ongoing needs of your business. Thankfully, with the right strategy and the best vendors, you can not only ensure a successful move, but minimize the friction your team experiences. Here are five specific steps to keep in mind. It All Starts with Planning […]
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Smart Offices, Smarter Work: Integrating Technology for Productivity Gains

If we’re honest, we’ve all had mixed experiences with workplace technology. Sometimes, when it’s poorly deployed or doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to, technology can be a barrier to productivity. But when technology is integrated into your office in a smart, strategic way, it can help your entire team function at a higher level. […]
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New Year, New Mindset: Enhancing Productivity in Your Workplace

The start of a new year is a perfect time to take stock of your personal goals and priorities, encompassing everything from financial health to personal fitness. It’s also an ideal occasion to take stock of your team’s goals, and to implement new strategies to facilitate productivity in the workplace. Whether you’re leading a team […]
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Revisiting Return To Office: Did Hoteling Work?

Needless to say, the COVID pandemic threw us all for a loop. Employers, in particular, had to rapidly adapt to changing workplace realities, navigating a world in which team members couldn’t readily gather in shared spaces. While many companies pushed a strong “return to work” effort last year, in many ways we’re still dealing with […]
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Ergonomics: It’s Not Just About Chairs

Managers now know employees are more productive when they’re happier and healthier. Thanks to basic ergonomic principles, your company can easily take steps to increase productivity and satisfaction. Contrary to popular belief, ergonomics isn’t just a fancy buzzword for expensive chairs and wrist rests—it’s an applied science dealing with the design and arrangement of workplaces […]
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How to Encourage Your Employees to Take Breaks

It’s proven that enforcing regular employee breaks such as walks, coffee runs, lunch, and vacations will bring huge productivity rewards to your business. When it comes to maximizing your team’s productivity and creativity, very few methods are as effective as implementing a healthy schedule of breaks throughout the day for your employees.
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Workplace Productivity Tools

This isn’t your usual rundown of apps, hacks and oversimplified workplace productivity tools that will clutter up your desktop and your phone, not to mention your head. 15 Workplace Productivity Tools (and why you’ll really use them) Here are 15 practical, doable and effective tools for improving employee productivity in a fun and easy way. […]
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Create a Coffee Shop Atmosphere for Your Office

Last month, after reading 5 Reasons Why Starbucks is the Only Office You Need, we were inspired to take a closer look at the traditional office with Part I of our discussion, Is Starbucks the New Office? This month, we’ve created an action-plan for how you can give your workplace that coffee shop atmosphere: a […]
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Touchdown Spaces Help Mobile Employees Maximize Office Time

According to a recent New York Times article, there are over 3 million Americans now working remotely. How can employers best support these mobile employees in finding the balance between maximum productivity and flexibility? Companies who hire telecommuters and mobile employees should entice workers to come into the office for face-to-face time and to create […]
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7 Small Changes to Boost Employee Productivity

It’s one fact that everyone can agree on: We’re all working harder than ever. But are we more productive? Here are seven ideas that are guaranteed to maximize productivity in your workplace. 1. Best-Practice Ergonomics Investing in good ergonomics can save you a bundle in absenteeism and healthcare costs. Start out by checking your employees’ […]
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