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Lab Relocation Checklist: Essential Steps for a Successful Biotech Move

When it comes to commercial relocation, different types of facilities come with different needs. Case in point: Biotech laboratories. Transitioning your lab from one location to another requires a great deal of consideration for safety, sustainability, the integrity of your high-end equipment, and more. To ensure your biotech relocation goes as smoothly as possible, there […]
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Moving Your Medical Practice: Best Practices for Healthcare Facility Relocations

Whether you need additional space or simply wish to be closer to your patients, there are plenty of reasons why you might opt to relocate your medical practice. Naturally, the actual moving process can be a little complicated, particularly since it is likely to involve a great deal of sensitive and costly equipment. With the […]
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Ensuring Data Security & Privacy During a Large-Scale Office Move

One of the primary concerns during any office relocation is ensuring all business assets are kept safe and secure. This includes not just tangible assets, like workstations and machinery, but also less tangible ones, like digital files and data. It’s important to recognize that a large-scale office move presents a number of risks to your […]
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Is Your Mover Qualified to Move Laboratories?

Laboratory moving is unlike any other type of relocation. It’s a specialized field that exists within the commercial moving industry, and as such, it would be a mistake to assume that any commercial or household mover has the skill and experience necessary to successfully relocate a lab. Laboratory managers should take extra care to analyze […]
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Are You Choosing The Right Facility Vendor?

Here are some key pointers to think about. The reality for most businesses is that for day-to-day needs, everything from catering to computers, there are often many contracted vendors coming in and out of the office. That can open your workplace up to risk. (Think of all those open computer screens, all that sensitive paperwork […]
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Moving Your Business – Why and When

Tips on Why and When to Move Your Business. Moving your business from one location to another is a major undertaking – but sometimes it’s an absolute necessity. Whether you’re ready to relocate for growth purposes, or need to save on expenses, here’s why and when to move your business. Why Should You Relocate Your Business? Rocking […]
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Reasons to Use Tech Relocation Services

Alleviate the stress of being caught in IT’s backlog with disconnect-reconnect services Most businesses have created a backlog to manage all of the daily requests that come into the IT department. That list is often triaged to tackle the most critical issues first, sometimes leaving employees with smaller problems waiting weeks or even months for […]
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Five valuable lessons for moving your computer equipment

Where would your company be without its data and IT infrastructure? Would it even exist? Clearly, this is the most critical and complex part of any office relocation, and not something we take lightly. As the largest mover in the Silicon Valley, we appreciate the importance of computer equipment and data, and have the following […]
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What Makes a Great Move

Planning becomes easier if you know what makes a great move. Great moves don’t just happen. They are carefully orchestrated so everyone understands their roles and the overall process. Successful moves actually start with the end results in mind. What needs to be moved first? What are the priorities and timing? How will things be […]
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Pre-Move Planning: Protect Your Confidential Information

Protect Your Confidential Information Before The Move Income tax returns, CPA reports Investment trade confirmations Legal records Retirement and pension records Annual financial statements and books of account Corporate documents (incorporation, charter, by-laws, etc.) Stock records Retirement and pension records Licenses, patents, and trademarks and registration packets Investment trade confirmations Documents substantiating fixed asset additions […]
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Pre-Move Purges – Avoid the Danger, Enjoy the Perks

When some people think about the risks involved in moving, they usually think of damaged furniture and equipment. Period. But this is only scratching the surface. The unseen risk of moving a business is far more substantial and dangerous – exposure of confidential and private information. Every organization has information it is either required to […]
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