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Future-Proofing Your Office: Preparing for the Impact of AI on Workspace Design and Functionality

By this point it probably goes without saying that AI is a big deal; already it has ushered in a sea change in virtually every industry, and its impact will continue to reverberate for generations to come. AI will undoubtedly change the way we work in ways both small and large, and as these changes […]
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Revisiting Return To Office: Did Hoteling Work?

Needless to say, the COVID pandemic threw us all for a loop. Employers, in particular, had to rapidly adapt to changing workplace realities, navigating a world in which team members couldn’t readily gather in shared spaces. While many companies pushed a strong “return to work” effort last year, in many ways we’re still dealing with […]
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Is Hoteling Right for Your Hybrid Work Model?

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers everywhere are weighing the merits of the traditional work environment against the benefits of working from home. There are many competing philosophies in play, and no one-size-fits-all approach. With that said, many businesses are coming around to a hybrid model, allowing employees to strike a balance between […]
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3 Ways to Boost Productivity in Your Workplace in 2023

Happy and productive employees are the foundation of any successful business. Facility managers play an essential role in creating and maintaining positive workspaces — the kinds of workspaces where employees thrive. In other words, facility managers have the opportunity to turn the physical workspace into a competitive advantage for your business, even helping you achieve […]
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Workplace Design With Older Workers in Mind

According to Deloitte, knowledge workers remaining in the workforce past retirement age are the fastest growing work segment. This provides an exciting opportunity for facility managers to reconfigure the office layout while taking multi-generational collaboration and mentorship into account. As people enjoy vibrant and longer life expectancies, many are opting to remain in the workforce […]
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How to Move On From Your Open Plan Office

Your employees don’t love it. Here’s how to transition to a better, more productive office without breaking the bank.
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Workplace Design Trends Forecast 2019

Do your employees look forward to coming to work? If not, consider these six workplace design trends for creating a truly enjoyable workspace. Think about your workspace for a moment. How’s the light? What sort of art is around you? How about plants? Does your work align with the people sitting next to you? Is […]
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2018 Workplace Tips Roundup

A new year is upon us. What better time to look for ways to improve your workplace? Make room for 2019 with these proven workplace tips. This list of 10 workplace tips we discovered in 2018 will inspire you to create the best office environment possible in 2019—whether that’s encouraging employees breaks to cut down […]
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How to Reduce Noise in the Workplace

Over the past twenty years or so, we’ve seen a clear and consistent shift towards open plan offices. While they certainly have their benefits, fostering employee communication and saving costs on space, one of the most consistent complaints about open offices is the noise. Now, there’s a meaningful difference between “sound” and “noise”. “Sound” isn’t […]
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Helping Employees Respond Positively to Workplace Changes

“[It] is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” – Leon C. Megginson Megginson’s quotation, often misattributed to Darwin, has become […]
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2017 Workplace Tips Roundup

Supercharge 2018 with Our Top 10 Workplace Tips This list of our top 10 workplace tips is a collection of the most inspiring, surprising and powerful ideas we found in 2017. From green plants and bean bag chairs to headphones and standing desks, we covered a lot of ground this year, and this is the […]
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Creating Workspaces for Generation Z

Quick, flexible workspaces for Generation Z hires Your newest hires might be eager to climb the company ladder, but they’re not after your corner office. The young people who are joining the workforce today are radically different from the Boomers they’re replacing. They want flexible workspaces and adaptable schedules. They want freedom. It’s not that […]
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Join the Activity-Based Working Movement

Your laptop is powerful and practically weightless. All the tools and documents you could ever need are in the cloud. There’s WiFi everywhere. So why are you chained to your desk all day? Could you transform your work life overnight, just by moving your office furniture around? A group of forward-thinking office designers thinks so, […]
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Create Space for In-person Meetings

Be more profitable with face-to-face interactions between your brand and customers. Let’s face it: Screens are great, and thanks to technology, most of us can keep in touch with co-workers and clients with online tools anytime day or night. But sometimes, a personal interaction can be even more meaningful—with clients, prospects, and employees. If you’ve […]
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2017 Workplace Trends: HR Emerges

People are at the epicenter of this year’s workplace trends. According to a study of HR professionals, 83% of HR professionals felt the “employee experience” is either important or very important to an organization’s success. An office birthday party where trail mix and fresh fruit are served. A yoga room that gives staff a mindful […]
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The Truth About Open Workspaces

While open office plans and shared workspace environments have been championed as ways to boost collaboration, productivity, and creativity; new studies reveal that open-plan offices have detrimental effects on workers. Studies have shown that employees in open-plan offices show an increase in stress-levels, and a decrease in focus and productivity. The Gensler Study conducted by the […]
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Turn an Ordinary Workstation into a Cool Workstation

You spend a lot of our time at work. Your workstations should be inviting and stimulating, but also a blank canvas that you can decorate to reflect your individual personality. A well-designed workstation can affect our mood and foster creativity. Turn your workstation from ordinary to cool with these creative ideas—that are also easy on […]
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Tenant Strategies to Follow

Each passing year means new trends for office managers to stay on top of. Staying on top of trends ensures your workplace is an environment to foster collaboration and communication. Not to mention that a new fiscal year might dictate the growth or reduction of office space, which means planning an office move just might […]
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How Successful Companies Get Their Dream Office

Successful businesses have proven that when it comes to planning your next big move, timing is everything. To continue to grow, you need to plan ahead and have the foresight to work on your next big steps. In a recent article for Entrepreneur Magazine, Mark Henricks writes, “While moving carries risks, a move can be […]
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Is Starbucks the New Office?

You may think that long work hours means you are getting more done. But, in fact, the later it gets in the workday, the more difficult it is to focus, and the easier it is to make mistakes. Look around your office. Are your employees engaging with each other, working on the next creative project, […]
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Effects of Long Work Hours on Employee Productivity

You may think that long work hours means you are getting more done. But, in fact, the later it gets in the workday, the more difficult it is to focus, and the easier it is to make mistakes. From typos in memos, to sending emails to the wrong clients—it is a physical reality that your […]
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Create a Workplace for All Ages

Does your workplace foster collaboration between your employees, or do people from different generations and experience levels seem isolated from each other? Here are some steps to help you create a healthy work environment for all ages. According to The Economist, the workplace is becoming increasingly more divided. Younger generations often resent Babyboomers for retiring […]
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5 Office Space Trends

As your business wraps up this year’s final quarter, it’s only too easy to reflect on how your business performed—not how your business space performed. Yet it’s critical to evaluate how your facilities support your company goals, employee satisfaction, and overall productivity. 1. Maximizing Office Space the Right Way As the price per square foot […]
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The Rise of the Creative Office

You’ve heard of it, you might have secretly envied the 24/7 sushi bar at Google, or maybe you work in such a space already—but the creative office space trend is picking up serious momentum. Its origins possibly date back to the dot-com era when startup companies preserved their limited capital by buying spare doors and […]
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Creative Office Space Planning

Considering a Creative Office Space? Here’s What to Know First HR departments have long understood the lure of a strong employee benefits package to help attract and retain employees, but more and more employers and facilities managers are hopping on board the creative office space trend and coming around to the idea of another, less […]
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What Creative Office Space Looks Like

You may be wondering, “How prevalent are creative offices anyway? Well, if the number of blogs dedicated to them is any indication, creative office space is only gaining more traction. And, no discussion would be complete without some visual examples. So, we’ve rounded up a few amazing ideas from California companies to get your imagination […]
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Keeping Mobile Employees Connected to the Workplace

In a 24/7 business world, more and more employees are working remotely or on the road to meet their company’s needs. But keeping them returning to the office is important too. Here’s how to do it intelligently. According to a Forrester Research study, 64% of businesses allow their employees to have mobility—enabling them to work […]
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An Active Workplace Improves Employee Health

There seems to be a lot of coverage in the news lately about the dangers of remaining sedentary at the office. Current research indicates that sitting for prolonged stretches can undo the benefits of physical activity even for the regularly active. Sitting for too long has been shown to cause bad posture, head and neck […]
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Don’t retire the private office just yet

Thanks to the open-plan workspace, pioneered by global powerhouses like Google, Zappos and Facebook, many companies may be rethinking the practicality of the private office—thus shaking to the core traditional notions of professional prestige, authority and the American Dream of “making it” to the corner office or executive suite. The open workspace is being widely […]
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Is It Time to Shake Up Your Floor Plan?

Is It Time to Shake Up Your Floor Plan? Staff in a slump? Has your company shifted focus or embarked on a significant market push? It may be time to rotate employees around your floor plan. In a workplace, it’s easy for people to fall into patterns—whether that’s taking the same route to their desk […]
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