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7 Tips for Designing an Office Space for Employee Health and Comfort

When you think of ergonomics, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Often, the term is associated with comfortable furniture, or workspace layouts that optimize posture. Those are certainly key concerns with ergonomics, but more broadly, the term encompasses any strategic initiative to design office environments with people in mind. The ergonomic workplace is […]
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Is Hoteling Right for Your Hybrid Work Model?

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers everywhere are weighing the merits of the traditional work environment against the benefits of working from home. There are many competing philosophies in play, and no one-size-fits-all approach. With that said, many businesses are coming around to a hybrid model, allowing employees to strike a balance between […]
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The Keys to a Sustainable Office Relocation

Over the past decade, more and more businesses have dedicated themselves to a higher standard of corporate responsibility, specifically pledging to operate with sustainability and ecological-friendliness in mind. To live up to these commitments, it’s critical for business leaders to keep sustainability top-of-mind during all aspects of business operation, including during office relocation projects. This […]
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Say Hello to the Modern Reception Area

Your office reception area is not only the first impression for your business, but it is also the first experience that most people have with your business. Your guest walks in and they’re instantly greeted by the friendly face of your receptionist. They marvel at the beautiful and fresh interpretation of your company’s brand as […]
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Implications of Working with Unlicensed Moving Contractors

The Risks of Working with an Unlicensed Contractor Working with unlicensed contractors invites significant legal risk, including: Legal and financial exposure for health and safety violations Legal and financial exposure for third party injuries AND Going to court uninsured What is the Installer License Classification? The D-34 license certifies an installer as a Prefabricated Equipment […]
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Ergonomics: It’s Not Just About Chairs

Managers now know employees are more productive when they’re happier and healthier. Thanks to basic ergonomic principles, your company can easily take steps to increase productivity and satisfaction. Contrary to popular belief, ergonomics isn’t just a fancy buzzword for expensive chairs and wrist rests—it’s an applied science dealing with the design and arrangement of workplaces […]
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Conference Rooms, Productivity & Culture

Impress Your Guests with Better Conference Room Furniture and Design You never get a second chance to make a first impression. When you meet with clients on your turf, the design, conference room furniture type and even the name of your conference rooms can make a positive impression for you. Your conference room is the […]
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2017 Workplace Tips Roundup

Supercharge 2018 with Our Top 10 Workplace Tips This list of our top 10 workplace tips is a collection of the most inspiring, surprising and powerful ideas we found in 2017. From green plants and bean bag chairs to headphones and standing desks, we covered a lot of ground this year, and this is the […]
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5 Office Hacks Inspired by Home Offices

If you’ve ever used a Post-it note to sweep away crumbs from your laptop keyboard then you’re well aware of life hacks. For those uninitiated, life hacks are simple tips or tricks that make your everyday life easier and better. With that in mind, we’ve found five office hacks, for your desk and workplace, inspired […]
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The Truth About Open Workspaces

While open office plans and shared workspace environments have been championed as ways to boost collaboration, productivity, and creativity; new studies reveal that open-plan offices have detrimental effects on workers. Studies have shown that employees in open-plan offices show an increase in stress-levels, and a decrease in focus and productivity. The Gensler Study conducted by the […]
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Turn an Ordinary Workstation into a Cool Workstation

You spend a lot of our time at work. Your workstations should be inviting and stimulating, but also a blank canvas that you can decorate to reflect your individual personality. A well-designed workstation can affect our mood and foster creativity. Turn your workstation from ordinary to cool with these creative ideas—that are also easy on […]
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5 Office Space Trends

As your business wraps up this year’s final quarter, it’s only too easy to reflect on how your business performed—not how your business space performed. Yet it’s critical to evaluate how your facilities support your company goals, employee satisfaction, and overall productivity. 1. Maximizing Office Space the Right Way As the price per square foot […]
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Don’t retire the private office just yet

Thanks to the open-plan workspace, pioneered by global powerhouses like Google, Zappos and Facebook, many companies may be rethinking the practicality of the private office—thus shaking to the core traditional notions of professional prestige, authority and the American Dream of “making it” to the corner office or executive suite. The open workspace is being widely […]
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Is It Time to Shake Up Your Floor Plan?

Is It Time to Shake Up Your Floor Plan? Staff in a slump? Has your company shifted focus or embarked on a significant market push? It may be time to rotate employees around your floor plan. In a workplace, it’s easy for people to fall into patterns—whether that’s taking the same route to their desk […]
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Embracing Workplace Change [Infographic]

Workplace change is inevitable. But it can be easy to manage. It’s probably too obvious to say that the way we work has changed—not just from the last century, but the last decade as well. And it’s not just due to standup desks, open plan workspaces, and themed conference rooms. On average, we work more […]
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Eco Friendly Furniture Could Mean Tax Breaks

With Spring Cleaning in full swing and #EarthDay on the way, now is the perfect time to think about getting some new eco friendly furniture that can earn you points toward LEED certification. You can go green and save your company money. Remind Me What LEED Is LEED is the acronym (Leadership in Energy and […]
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Redesigning Cubicles for Today’s Knowledge Worker

It’s Time for an Office Redesign. Many companies are moving toward a more flexible layout of their office space. A modular office layout gives you a more options for cubicle designs than ever before. Some estimates put the American “cube dweller” population at 40 million. Is redesigning cubicles to a more open office layout in […]
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Repurpose Your Used Office Furniture

Looking to repurpose your office furniture We are all familiar with the three of the four Rs of waste management, “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”. It has become a common waste reduction practice for California businesses since the campaign ignited in the early 90’s. But what about the fourth R? There are many ideas out there […]
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Four Upgrades to Modernize Your Office

Good business means staying on top of industry trends and best practices. Implementing systems for modern standards of efficiency, productivity, and employee well-being can give any company an edge over less innovative competition. Does your organization want to be at the forefront of increasing productivity and employee well-being? Here are 4 methods trending among forward-thinking […]
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10 Ergonomics Tips to Prevent Office Injuries

Over time, poor posture may be caused by habits from everyday activities such as sitting in office chairs, looking at the computer, driving, standing for long periods of time, or even sleeping. Poor posture can easily become second nature, causing or aggravating episodes of back pain and damaging spinal structures. Fortunately, the main factors affecting […]
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Revive Productivity With Space Planning

Use these five tips to organize your office layout In today’s competitive business environment many business people feel a good office layout is a vital factor to overall productivity, employee satisfaction and making the right impression on visitors. As always, up front planning creates a smooth relocation process where things are done right the first time. […]
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What Makes a Great Move

Planning becomes easier if you know what makes a great move. Great moves don’t just happen. They are carefully orchestrated so everyone understands their roles and the overall process. Successful moves actually start with the end results in mind. What needs to be moved first? What are the priorities and timing? How will things be […]
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Renew Your Office Space with Benching

The 21st Century may not have all the flying cars, and magical appliances that the popular vision of the Jetsons included (yet); but we are well on our way to the office of the future. Knowledge workers have taken over the workplace, and they prefer collaboration and flexibility to do their best work. This coupled […]
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