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Future-Proofing Your Office: Preparing for the Impact of AI on Workspace Design and Functionality

By this point it probably goes without saying that AI is a big deal; already it has ushered in a sea change in virtually every industry, and its impact will continue to reverberate for generations to come. AI will undoubtedly change the way we work in ways both small and large, and as these changes […]
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Adapting Office Design for AI Integration: Optimizing Space for Data Centers and AI Infrastructure

Over the past couple of years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been the biggest story in tech. Machine learning and generative AI have transformed virtually every industry, from academia to manufacturing, and it’s clear that these transformations aren’t just a flash in the pan. AI is here to stay; the question for businesses is just how […]
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Ensuring Data Security & Privacy During a Large-Scale Office Move

One of the primary concerns during any office relocation is ensuring all business assets are kept safe and secure. This includes not just tangible assets, like workstations and machinery, but also less tangible ones, like digital files and data. It’s important to recognize that a large-scale office move presents a number of risks to your […]
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How to Navigate the National Moving Scene

Planning a long-distance commercial relocation can be challenging for a number of reasons, not least the confusing nature of the national moving scene. The industry is dominated by local residential movers and by Van Line organizations. These are networks that are created primarily for the purpose of moving people’s homes. It’s a common and potentially […]
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Are You Choosing The Right Facility Vendor?

Here are some key pointers to think about. The reality for most businesses is that for day-to-day needs, everything from catering to computers, there are often many contracted vendors coming in and out of the office. That can open your workplace up to risk. (Think of all those open computer screens, all that sensitive paperwork […]
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Confessions From The IT Department

Have you ever wondered: what does the IT department do? Often, we only interact with IT when there is something wrong with our computer, network, or operating system, and we need it fixed immediately. Perhaps you’ve sent an email to someone in the IT department, hours have passed, you still have no solution, and the […]
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How Successful Companies Get Their Dream Office

Successful businesses have proven that when it comes to planning your next big move, timing is everything. To continue to grow, you need to plan ahead and have the foresight to work on your next big steps. In a recent article for Entrepreneur Magazine, Mark Henricks writes, “While moving carries risks, a move can be […]
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Is Starbucks the New Office?

You may think that long work hours means you are getting more done. But, in fact, the later it gets in the workday, the more difficult it is to focus, and the easier it is to make mistakes. Look around your office. Are your employees engaging with each other, working on the next creative project, […]
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Create More Office Space

Maybe your company is experiencing rapid growth, or maybe your facilities plan overlooked a few angles. Whatever the cause, what do you do if your company is growing too big for your current office space? Often—and ideally—the answer is to relocate your business. However, upgrading to larger space may not be possible due to budget […]
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How to prepare for your office lease expiration

How to prepare for your office lease expirationIt’s important to plan ahead. The end of the year doesn’t just signal the holidays. It’s also the time of year when many California businesses are faced with an office lease expiration and must decide whether to renew their office lease or relocate. If you choose to relocate […]
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How to Measure Workplace Setup Performance

One key metric will help measure your success. When we imagine the ideal office space, it’s probably mirrored after high-tech companies in Silicon Valley. “Silicon Valley” the HBO show, that is. Corovan moving boxes were just spotted in a recent episode of the show when both Pied Piper and Hooli relocate to modern spaces without […]
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Moving Your Business – Why and When

Tips on Why and When to Move Your Business. Moving your business from one location to another is a major undertaking – but sometimes it’s an absolute necessity. Whether you’re ready to relocate for growth purposes, or need to save on expenses, here’s why and when to move your business. Why Should You Relocate Your Business? Rocking […]
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Office Moving Checklist for Your Next Business Move

Your Office Moving Checklist Preparing to move an office or business can be a lot more complicated than moving a household. Preparing is key and ensuring that everything on your list is complete, is essential. Use this quick office moving checklist as a guide to keeping your move on track. Here are some things to […]
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Reasons to Use Tech Relocation Services

Alleviate the stress of being caught in IT’s backlog with disconnect-reconnect services Most businesses have created a backlog to manage all of the daily requests that come into the IT department. That list is often triaged to tackle the most critical issues first, sometimes leaving employees with smaller problems waiting weeks or even months for […]
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We don’t just handle the boxes, crates and furniture. We disconnect, move, and reconnect the computers too.

We don’t just handle the boxes, crates and furniture. We disconnect, move, and reconnect the computers too. Imagine it’s Monday morning. It’s the first day at your new location, and there’s a problem: no one can access their email. It’s like you are not even open for business. Corovan’s commercial moving tech services team will […]
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Five valuable lessons for moving your computer equipment

Where would your company be without its data and IT infrastructure? Would it even exist? Clearly, this is the most critical and complex part of any office relocation, and not something we take lightly. As the largest mover in the Silicon Valley, we appreciate the importance of computer equipment and data, and have the following […]
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What Makes a Great Move

Planning becomes easier if you know what makes a great move. Great moves don’t just happen. They are carefully orchestrated so everyone understands their roles and the overall process. Successful moves actually start with the end results in mind. What needs to be moved first? What are the priorities and timing? How will things be […]
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Pre-Move Planning: Protect Your Confidential Information

Protect Your Confidential Information Before The Move Income tax returns, CPA reports Investment trade confirmations Legal records Retirement and pension records Annual financial statements and books of account Corporate documents (incorporation, charter, by-laws, etc.) Stock records Retirement and pension records Licenses, patents, and trademarks and registration packets Investment trade confirmations Documents substantiating fixed asset additions […]
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Pre-Move Purges – Avoid the Danger, Enjoy the Perks

When some people think about the risks involved in moving, they usually think of damaged furniture and equipment. Period. But this is only scratching the surface. The unseen risk of moving a business is far more substantial and dangerous – exposure of confidential and private information. Every organization has information it is either required to […]
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