Even in enterprise-level organizations that take pride in robust data security, there is always some level of risk inherent. Unseen threats are always lurking, threatening a data breach that could lead to significant legal consequences, financial peril, or reputational damage.

To protect sensitive data and infrastructure, it’s crucial to acknowledge these unintentional vulnerabilities, and to make every reasonable effort to mitigate risk.

Understanding the Unseen Threat

Many of the most acute data security threats stem from relationships with third-party vendors and service providers. These business partners may not be acting from a place of malice, yet they can still inadvertently create security risks.

For example, working with a vendor or third-party partner may require you to provide them with access to sensitive information, whether that’s financial data, customer records, or your own intellectual property. And while you may have robust in-house measures to keep this information safe and secure, third-party vendors may not be as meticulous. Poor security standards or data hygiene on the part of your partners can place your own enterprise in jeopardy.

Strict Access Control & Monitoring

There are important steps that any enterprise can take to minimize their risk exposure, foremost among them imposing strict access controls for vendors and partners. Simply put, it is important to make sure that your partners only have access to the data they need, as opposed to having carte blanche access to your entire data infrastructure.

In addition to implementing access controls, develop a rhythm of regularly auditing the access you are providing to your partners. As the scope of work your partners take on changes, don’t hesitate to narrow their information access. Also make sure you revoke access from any partners you are no longer working with.

Vendor IT Security Compliance

Something else that’s important is making sure your vendors receive a clear, written outline of your company’s own IT standards. Make it apparent that you expect your partners to adhere to the same expectations as the rest of your team.

Again, a big part of this is restricting access to essential systems. Just as your employees are not all entitled to unfettered access, neither are your vendors and third-party partners.

Specialized Vendor Expertise

Another important step is being methodical in how you choose your vendors. Select them based not only on their own areas of expertise, but on their specialized knowledge in critical areas of IT security.

It is reasonable to expect your vendors to invest in their own continuous IT security training, especially if they are seeking a role that involves regular access to sensitive files.

Sensitive Data Protection

Ensure that you establish clear protocols for how sensitive data is to be handled. For example, it is incredibly important to ensure that all mission-critical or proprietary data is encrypted, particularly when it is being handled by vendors from outside the organization.

Provide your vendors with data protection expectations and review those expectations regularly, particularly for any vendors with whom you hope to develop a long-term relationship.

Proactive Security Measures

Finally, work with your IT team to put proactive security measures into place. For example, conduct surprise security audits, enforce a zero-tolerance policy on social media sharing, and compartmentalize vendor access to sensitive information.

A proactive approach allows you to negate the risk of data loss before it ever happens, as opposed to taking a more reactive approach.

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For more than 75 years, Corovan has been the commercial relocation vendor of choice for enterprises across California and beyond, not least for our commitment to the highest standards of data security. Contact us at your convenience to learn more about how we keep your data safe and secure.