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The Psychology of Office Moves: Minimizing Employee Stress and Disruption

Moving your home can be an emotionally unsettling experience for anyone, as it means saying goodbye to some of the day-to-day realities and routines that provide a sense of stability. The same could be said of moving a workspace, particularly since most employees spend as much time at the office as they do at home. […]
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5 Business Moving Mistakes to Avoid

There’s really no way around it: Relocating a business tends to be pretty complicated, and often a little stressful. One of the best ways to reduce your relocation stress is to steer clear of some common moving errors. Here are five of the most common mistakes that businesses make when relocating… and some advice on […]
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3 Drawbacks When You Hire Too Many Commercial Move Suppliers

During seasons of economic uncertainty, facilities teams look for ways to improve the operational efficiency of their moves or of their facility change programs. One of the best ways to streamline operational efficiency is to rethink vendor use. All too often, facilities teams hire separate commercial move vendors to assist with their commercial relocation, IT […]
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5 Best Practices to Manage Your Company’s Off-Site Storage

There are a number of reasons to invest in an off-site storage program for your company. When organized well and managed efficiently, off-site storage makes it easy to save money, reusing what you already have as opposed to investing in new furniture and equipment. A good storage program also allows your facilities management team to […]
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4 Indicators Your Commercial Mover is Not Safe

During a commercial relocation, it’s tempting to focus on things like cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and logistics. Naturally, you want the move to happen as expediently as possible, with minimal disruption to your business operations. But in addition to efficiency, it’s also important to think about safety. Simply put, hiring a moving partner who isn’t safety-forward can […]
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Is Hoteling Right for Your Hybrid Work Model?

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers everywhere are weighing the merits of the traditional work environment against the benefits of working from home. There are many competing philosophies in play, and no one-size-fits-all approach. With that said, many businesses are coming around to a hybrid model, allowing employees to strike a balance between […]
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It’s a Challenging Time for Facilities Teams

In recent years, facilities teams have faced unprecedented challenges. First there was the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing facilities managers to adapt to work-from-home and hybrid work setups. Challenges continue with today’s economic uncertainties, forcing some companies to consider workforce reductions. Due to these and other factors, facilities teams face a number of obstacles as they seek […]
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Is Your Mover Qualified to Move Laboratories?

Laboratory moving is unlike any other type of relocation. It’s a specialized field that exists within the commercial moving industry, and as such, it would be a mistake to assume that any commercial or household mover has the skill and experience necessary to successfully relocate a lab. Laboratory managers should take extra care to analyze […]
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4 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Commercial Move

During seasons of economic uncertainty, business leaders must constantly seek ways to do things more efficiently. Saving time and conserving resources in critical. Moving is no exception. In the name of efficiency, it’s crucial to plan a commercial relocation that will make the best use of the business’ time and money. But be advised: Simply […]
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3 Ways to Boost Productivity in Your Workplace in 2023

Happy and productive employees are the foundation of any successful business. Facility managers play an essential role in creating and maintaining positive workspaces — the kinds of workspaces where employees thrive. In other words, facility managers have the opportunity to turn the physical workspace into a competitive advantage for your business, even helping you achieve […]
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Not All Moving Companies Have Commercial Moving Estimating Expertise.

Before embarking on a large-scale commercial relocation, it’s imperative to seek estimates from differing moving companies, comparing not just the pricing but the breadth of service. An accurate estimate is the first step in any moving project and estimating mistakes can have real-world consequences. Moreover, it’s a mistake to assume that all moving companies have […]
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3 Trends in Modern Office Design

The modern workplace continues to evolve and adapt, moving away from the traditional layouts of old. These changes have only been exacerbated by the pandemic and the subsequent return-to-work effort; as employers seek ways to entice employees back to the office, they have rethought many of their pre-existing ideas about what constitutes an inviting, productive […]
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Facilities Teams Have a Big Opportunity: Improving Workplace Experience

As businesses across the country look for ways to engage and retain top employees, the topic of workplace experience is increasingly foregrounded. C-suite executives look to workplace experience as an invaluable way to build robust teams; indeed, while employee compensation remains an important factor, employee surveys continue to suggest employee engagement as a major factor […]
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4 Ways to Make Your MAC Program More Efficient

For facilities teams, managing the ongoing daily requests for Moves, Adds, and Changes can be challenging. On the one hand, facilities teams are tasked with controlling costs; on the other hand, their job is to help address the needs of their co-workers. Careful balance is required, and during times of economic uncertainty, the pressure to […]
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How to Navigate the National Moving Scene

Planning a long-distance commercial relocation can be challenging for a number of reasons, not least the confusing nature of the national moving scene. The industry is dominated by local residential movers and by Van Line organizations. These are networks that are created primarily for the purpose of moving people’s homes. It’s a common and potentially […]
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The Keys to a Sustainable Office Relocation

Over the past decade, more and more businesses have dedicated themselves to a higher standard of corporate responsibility, specifically pledging to operate with sustainability and ecological-friendliness in mind. To live up to these commitments, it’s critical for business leaders to keep sustainability top-of-mind during all aspects of business operation, including during office relocation projects. This […]
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How to Evaluate Commercial Moving Estimates

Relocations, whether residential or commercial, are unpredictable by their very nature; it’s impossible to know exactly what a moving day is going to look like, nor to plan for every contingency. With that said, it’s totally reasonable to expect your moving company to provide you with an estimate, giving you some ballpark expectations about what […]
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Planning a Lab Move? Size Up the New Space.

Moving is always challenging, whether you’re packing up your office or relocating an entire company. Moving a laboratory can be especially challenging, requiring extra attention to the details. That’s because labs must conform to specific parameters to ensure the safety, accuracy, and performance of the equipment. And those parameters can look radically different from one […]
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